Picture of author.
397+ Works 5,696 Members 34 Reviews

About the Author

Image credit: Publicity Shot, from long ago


Works by Edward L. Ferman

Final Stage: The Ultimate Science Fiction Anthology (1974) — Editor — 114 copies
Great Tales of Fantasy and Science Fiction (1991) — Editor — 55 copies
Venture Science Fiction August 1969 (1969) — Editor — 7 copies
Última etapa (1974) 6 copies
Venture Science Fiction February 1970 (1970) — Editor — 5 copies
Venture Science Fiction May 1970 (1970) — Editor — 4 copies
Brennpunkt Zukunft 3 (1984) — Editor — 3 copies
Brennpunkt Zukunft 1 (1982) 2 copies

Associated Works


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Ferman, Edward L.
Legal name
Ferman, Edward Lewis
New York, New York, USA
Places of residence
Cornwall, Connecticut, USA
Middlebury College (BA|1958)
Ferman, Joseph W. (father)
Mercury Press
Awards and honors
Hugo (Professional Editor, 1981)
Hugo (Professional Editor, 1982)
Hugo (Professional Editor, 1983)
SF Hall Of Fame (2009)
Short biography
biography in The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction, a special 25th anniversary anthology (Doubleday, 1974).



A collection of short stories and other features (1966).

- "The Gadge System" by R. Bretnor. A man who reads too many adventure stories goes to Burma to find treasure. Cute idea, with some laughs. C+ (Okay).

- cartoon by Gahan Wilson. F (Terrible).

- "Against Authority" by Miriam Allen deFord. A dystopian dictator uncovers revolutionaries. I read this, like, two days ago, and I've already forgotten it. C- (Meh).

- books column by Judith Merril. These are some awful reviews - pretentious and completely uninformative. F (Terrible).

- "An Afternoon in May" by Richard Winkler. Elderly librarians are under siege by book burners. Guess what, censorship is bad! Thanks, I never would have known. C- (Meh).

- "Witness for the Persecution" by Randall Garrett. A magic alien helps a businessman fight for the free market against the evil forces of a corrupt democracy. F (Terrible).

- "Desynchronosis" (column) by Theodore L. Thomas. Thomas just found out about jet lag and thinks it's neat. F (Terrible).

- "The New Men" by Joanna Russ. A Soviet bureaucrat meets the ghost of a count. This doesn't make any sense. D (Bad).

- "The Way Back" by D.K. Findlay. I can't be bothered to even summarize this story. It's just complete gibberish. F (Terrible).

- "Up and Down the Earth" (science column) by Isaac Asimov. Asimov lists statistics about mountain heights and ocean depths, measured against various standards. It gets somewhat interesting when he compares things to the scale of the equatorial bulge. C (Indifferent).

- "The Mountains of Magnatz" by Jack Vance. A traveler is tricked into volunteering for a post as a lookout. Lighthearted fantasy in which the hero rapes someone. F (Terrible).

- "Girls Will Be Girls" by Doris Pitkin Buck. Psychics gossip about men's thoughts. The premise here is, basically, that women lie about harassment for attention. Wow. This story back to back with "Magnatz" is... something. I've said it before and I'll say it again: the 60's were the worst. F (Terrible).

Even though not everything in this volume is bad, the lows are so amazingly low that I'm still going to average it out to 0 stars.
… (more)
comfypants | Jun 29, 2023 |
A collection of short stories and other features (1966).

- "L'Arc De Jeanne" by Robert F. Young. A rebel colony planet has a Joan of Arc figure. I didn't hate this while reading it, but thinking back, it's really just a mess of bad ideas stirred together. C+ (okay).

- cartoon by Gahan Wilson. F (terrible).

- "Beaulieu" by Margaret St. Clair. A man with cancer is picked up by a strange woman. Wondering what's going on with this story turns out to be a frustrating waste of energy. D (bad).

- books column by Judith Merril. A rambling commentary on the culture of sci-fi publishing in England eventually gets around to mentioning a book. C- (meh).

- "To the Rescue" by Ron Goulart. A future private eye has troubles with technology. Very silly. B (good).

- "The Most Wonderful News" by Len Guttridge. A Welshman with a sick wife can't find any news to tell her on his next visit. Slow and predictable, but not a terrible concept. C+ (okay).

- "Smog" (column) by Theodore L. Thomas. Hey, guys, have you heard about pollution? F (terrible).

- "Survey of the Third Planet" by Keith Roberts. Alien invaders vs a colonialist army outpost. This would have been an enjoyable action/adventure story if he hadn't held back the thing that might have made it palatable for a twist ending. C (indifferent).

- "The Proton-Reckoner" (science column) by Isaacv Asimov. Asimov wonders how many particles could fit in the universe, for more than 10 pages. D (bad).

- "Representative from Earth" by Greg Benford. An alien abductee is given a series of tests. Based on this story, I assume this author is an ass. F (terrble).

- "Apology to Inky" by Robert M. Green, Jr. An unhappy man with repressed trauma is having hallucinations - or IS he!? D (bad).

(Jan. 2023)
… (more)
comfypants | Jan 14, 2023 |
- "Breakthrough Gang" by Gordon R. Dickson. Earth is on the verge of winning a space war, but something's not right. It's has a novel idea, but nothing happens until the last few pages. 2/4 (Indifferent).

- cartoon by Gahan Wilson. 3/4 (Good).

- "O'Grady's Girl" by Leo P. Kelley. Ghosts throw a party for a newly dead woman. This has no story. There's a nice but brief depiction of Death. 2/4 (Indifferent).

- books column by Rick Raphael & Fritz Leiber. Rambling, nearly incoherent write-ups on completely unremarkable books. 0/4 (Terrible).

- "The Convenient Monster" by Leslie Charteris. The Saint is told that the Loch Ness Monster killed a dog. I have read two Saint stories now, and I still do not know who or what The Saint is. 2/4 (Indifferent).

- "The Firmin Child" by Richard H. Blum. Parents are creeped out by their child. The author gives away the mystery at the start of the story. Also, from the characterizations, he has presumably never actually met parents, which is impressive. 1/4 (Bad).

- "Water, Water, Everywhere--" (science column) by Isaac Asimov. Asimov shares statistics on the sizes of large bodies of water. Ten pages of statistics on the sizes of large bodies of water. 0/4 (Terrible).

- "Minor Alteration" by John Thomas Richards. A man dreams he's John Wilkes Booth, and tries to save Abraham Lincoln. A rehash of the old Don't Change History trope, without any of that pesky science fiction? 1/4 (Bad).

- "The Overworld" by Jack Vance. A thief caught robbing a wizard is forced to make a quest. This basically boils down to a parade of Magical Fantasy Things, many of which seem pretty fun but don't end up connecting to anything else. 2/4 (Indifferent).

(Aug. 2022)
… (more)
comfypants | Aug 6, 2022 |


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