Picture of author.
46+ Works 5,766 Members 151 Reviews 3 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: Catriona Sparks


Works by Ann VanderMeer

The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories (2011) — Editor; Introduction — 834 copies
Steampunk (2008) — Editor — 828 copies
The Time Traveller's Almanac (2013) — Editor — 570 copies
The New Weird (2008) — Editor — 527 copies
The Big Book of Science Fiction (2016) — Editor — 424 copies
Fast Ships, Black Sails (2008) — Editor — 312 copies
Steampunk II: Steampunk Reloaded (2010) — Editor — 309 copies
The Big Book of Classic Fantasy (2019) — Editor — 170 copies
Some of the Best from Tor.com: 2014 Edition (2015) — Editor — 154 copies
Steampunk III: Steampunk Revolution (2012) — Editor — 153 copies
Some of the Best from Tor.com: 2016 Edition (2017) — Editor — 136 copies
The Big Book of Modern Fantasy (2020) — Editor — 112 copies
Best American Fantasy (2007) — Editor — 106 copies
Some of the Best from Tor.com: 2015 Edition (2016) — Editor — 60 copies
The Bestiary (2016) — Editor — 57 copies
ODD? (2011) — Editor — 22 copies
Best American Fantasy 2 (2009) — Editor — 20 copies
Avatars Inc (2020) — Editor — 13 copies
Weird Tales Volume 64 Number 1, Spring 2009 (2009) — Editor — 3 copies
Weird Tales Volume 62 Number 2, April-May 2007 (2007) — Editor — 2 copies
Weird Tales Volume 66 Number 3, Winter 2012 (2012) — Editor — 2 copies
Weird Tales Volume 64 Number 2, Fall 2009 (2009) — Editor — 2 copies

Associated Works

The Best of Michael Moorcock (2009) — Editor — 125 copies
Gifts for the One Who Comes After (2014) — Introduction, some editions — 84 copies
The Mammoth Book of Steampunk Adventures (2014) — Introduction — 62 copies
Alucinadas (2015) — Foreword — 14 copies
Masquerade Season: A Tor.com Original (2021) — Editor — 10 copies
Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 75 • August 2016 (2016) — Contributor — 7 copies


Common Knowledge

Legal name
VanderMeer, Ann Kennedy Bordman
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Places of residence
Tallahassee, Florida, USA
VanderMeer, Jeff (husband)
Weird Tales
Awards and honors
Locus Award Finalist (Editor, 2017)
Sally Harding
Short biography
Ann VanderMeer, née Kennedy, was the editor-in-chief of the venerable horror magazine Weird Tales from 2007 to 2011 and the founder of Buzzcity Press.

Works from her press and related periodicals have won numerous awards and appeared in anthologies. She was also the founder of The Silver Web magazine, a periodical devoted to experimental and avant-garde fantasy literature.



The Vandermeers' mission to coin the term "New Weird" set them on this undertaking. It's an excellent anthology, a fine collection of great short stories, and a wonderful reference for obscure authors that deserve to be rediscovered. But it fails in it's stated purpose: to define a new genre. The concept of the "New Weird" is as evasive as it ever was; it remains essentially a shorter way of saying literary fantasy and horror, and that in turn is a nicer way of saying fantasy and horror that isn't derivative crap. The Vandermeers have excellent taste but they need to write their own nonfiction on just what exactly the "New Weird" is in order for the term to stick.… (more)
ethorwitz | 20 other reviews | Jan 3, 2024 |
I wanted to like this steampunky-themed book of short-stories, but it tried too hard at cleverness and told essentially uninteresting stories. The text does not deliver on what the fascinating illustrations promise. I gave it 78 pages, 18 beyond my minimum 50, and gave it up.
Doodlebug34 | 15 other reviews | Jan 1, 2024 |
Whew, this one was a tome! 72 short stories and nearly 950 pages, all on the theme of time travel. You'd think that after spending two weeks working my way through all of that, I'd be thoroughly tired of the subject, but somehow it never got old. Probably this is due to the fact that there's such a wide variety of different styles and different approaches to the subject here (including a few one could argue aren't really time travel stories at all, and yet still do feel as if they belong somehow). Some are pretty straightforward, as time travel stories go, and others are deeply, deeply strange. (And there are a pretty good percentage of the latter, as one might expect from any book with Jeff VanderMeer's name on the cover.) We've got tales that span billions of years and/or staggering numbers of alternate timelines; small, intimate stories about individual human lives; and a whole lot of stuff in-between.

The stories also span a pretty good stretch of ordinary linear time, from the 1880s through the early 2010s, when the anthology was published. Some are well-known, deeply influential works: Bradbury's "A Sound of Thunder" is here, as is an excerpt from The Time Machine. But there are also stories I'd never read by authors I'd never heard of. I hesitate to call it a definitive collection. Several of the first stories that come to mind when I think of famous time travel tales are notably absent, although perhaps for good reasons, one of which is that there seems to be no room here for stories that only exist to go, "Oooh, look, a paradox!" In any case, there are a lot of time travel stories in the history of SF, and I suspect if you asked 100 people to compile 950-page anthologies of them, you'd get 100 very different books.

As for the one we got in this particular timeline, unsurprisingly not every single story is quite to my taste. I can't really say that any of them made me sit bolt upright and go "wow!", either. But taken as a whole, there is something fascinating and more-than-the-sum-of-its-parts satisfying about it. I do feel rather like I've just been on a big, weird, cool, kaleidoscopic timey-wimey journey.
… (more)
1 vote
bragan | 13 other reviews | Dec 30, 2023 |
Fair craft, just not for me

Even with a couple of yarns by authors from whom I have liked previous stories, I just can't get into these.
Don't know if it's just changed times, or what.
acb13adm | 4 other reviews | Sep 13, 2023 |



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