Philip K. Dick Bibliography

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Philip K. Dick Bibliography

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May 8, 2012, 4:36 pm

This message has been flagged by multiple users and is no longer displayed (show)
Hi SF Fans,
We're close to publishing our PKD bibliography, PRECIOUS ARTIFACTS: A Philip K. Dick Bibliography, USA and UK Editions, 1955-2012. As science fiction fans I'm sure you'd like to check this book out. If you'd like to reserve a copy please go to our Home Page and place your order there. We've also launched a Kickstarter project in support of this book and you can pledge there and receive one of our great rewards. And we have a facebook page where we discuss the book and our progress towards publication in June. To help us spread the word, please 'like' and 'share' our book on your networks and websites.
Thanks for your support and Henri Wintz and I hope to see you at the upcoming Philip K. Dick Festival in San Francisco on Sept 22 & 23 2012.
Best wishes - Dave Hyde /Ward, Colorado

Our Home Page:
Our Kickstarter page:
Our fBook page:

May 8, 2012, 4:39 pm

LibraryThing is a place to connect with readers, not a place to advertise.

May 8, 2012, 5:31 pm

hmmm i seem to have lost the ability to flag. rarely need to, but this deserves one. Since I'm a group member I should be able to flag.

May 8, 2012, 5:37 pm

Flagged into oblivion in less than 1hr. That's a pretty good effort.

What is it with all the spam that's showing up recently? At least the other ones have books listed and didn't just join today like this person.

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