Two More SF Shorts

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Two More SF Shorts

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Aug 8, 2008, 2:21 pm

The first one takes place on another planet--Venus, I think. Everything is really washed out and pale because it's constantly raining. A group of people are lost but manage to find a sun house of sorts, only to discover it's mostly destroyed. People probably go crazy. I'm almost positive it's an Asimov short, but it could maybe be Clarke. Or someone else entirely. That's why I'm asking. :-)

The second one I'm pretty sure is a Dick story. I particularly remember a quote along the lines of "The Savior ate Travis!" A woman survives some sort of major accident in which all other members of the crew died. Aliens are helping try to save her, or maybe to figure out what exactly happened. They induce hallucinations or an alternate reality while she heals, but due to a misunderstanding of human culture, show Jesus consuming one of her buddies.

Any help appreciated. Thanks!

Edited: Aug 8, 2008, 4:26 pm

I'm reasonably sure I read the 2nd one, but don't remember the name at the moment. It does sound kinda like Dick.

Possibly A Maze of Death? No, that's apparently a novel...
A Maze Of Death. (1968) -- The computer running a stranded spaceship puts the crew through a series of hallucinatory experiences so they won't get bored or psychotic.

Here's an annotated bibliography

Here's a couple lists of his short stories for title recognition.

Aug 8, 2008, 4:33 pm

I figured out the first story, and it was neither Asimov or Clarke.

The Long Rain is a short story from The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury

2>Thanks for the reference material, I'll have to give it a look over.

Aug 10, 2008, 8:26 pm

The second story is "Rautavaara's Case" by Philip K. Dick.

Thanks for your help!