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William Gibson (1) (1948–)

Author of Neuromancer

For other authors named William Gibson, see the disambiguation page.

60+ Works 87,718 Members 1,341 Reviews 540 Favorited
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About the Author

William Gibson was born on March 17, 1948 in Conway, South Carolina. He dropped out of high school and moved to Canada, where he eventually graduated from the University of British Columbia in 1977. He is the author of Mona Lisa Overdrive, The Peripheral, and Neuromancer, which won the Phillip K. show more Dick Award, the Hugo Award, and the Nebula Award. He also wrote the screenplay for the film Johnny Mnemonic. (Bowker Author Biography) show less


Works by William Gibson

Neuromancer (1984) 23,153 copies
Pattern Recognition (2003) 8,897 copies
Mona Lisa Overdrive (1988) 7,318 copies
Count Zero (1986) 7,275 copies
The Difference Engine (1990) 5,946 copies
Idoru (1996) 5,884 copies
Virtual Light (1993) 5,692 copies
Burning Chrome (1986) 5,607 copies
Spook Country (2007) 4,840 copies
All Tomorrow's Parties (1999) 4,531 copies
Zero History (2010) 2,544 copies
The Peripheral (2014) 2,445 copies
Agency (2020) 1,163 copies
Johnny Mnemonic (1995) 492 copies
William Gibson's Neuromancer: The Graphic Novel (Volume 1) (1989) — Original author — 102 copies
William Gibson's Alien 3 (2018) 99 copies
Alien III (2019) 89 copies
Archangel #1 (2016) 40 copies
Archangel #2 (of 5) (1899) 22 copies
Archangel #4 (of 5) (2017) 19 copies
Archangel #3 (of 5) (2016) 18 copies
Agrippa: A Book of the Dead (1972) 14 copies
Red Star, Winter Orbit (1995) 13 copies
New Rose Hotel (2015) 13 copies
Jackpot 2 copies
Hardcore Mona Lisa (2021) 2 copies
Academy Leader (1991) 1 copy

Associated Works

Dhalgren (1975) — Foreword, some editions — 3,761 copies
Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology (1986) — Contributor — 1,624 copies
The Weird: A Compendium of Strange and Dark Stories (2011) — Contributor — 834 copies
The Alteration (1976) — Introduction, some editions — 688 copies
The Time Traveller's Almanac (2013) — Contributor — 570 copies
The Science Fiction Century (1997) — Contributor — 538 copies
Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the Century (2001) — Contributor — 453 copies
The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories (1992) — Contributor — 446 copies
The Big Book of Science Fiction (2016) — Contributor — 424 copies
The Year's Best Science Fiction: Ninth Annual Collection (1992) — Contributor — 417 copies
The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF (1994) — Contributor — 396 copies
Rewired: The Post-Cyberpunk Anthology (2007) — Contributor — 391 copies
Steampunk II: Steampunk Reloaded (2010) — Contributor — 309 copies
City Come A-Walkin' (1980) — Foreword, some editions — 267 copies
Year's Best SF 3 (1998) — Contributor — 260 copies
Semiotext(e) SF (1989) — Contributor — 249 copies
The Year's Best Science Fiction: Third Annual Collection (1986) — Contributor — 228 copies
The Year's Best Science Fiction: Fourth Annual Collection (1987) — Contributor — 202 copies
Modern Classics of Science Fiction (1991) — Contributor — 202 copies
Future on Fire (1991) — Contributor — 188 copies
The Art of the Matrix (2000) — Introduction, some editions — 178 copies
The Ultimate Cyberpunk (2002) — Contributor — 151 copies
Chaos & Cyber Culture (1994) — Contributor — 139 copies
The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction (2010) — Contributor — 135 copies
Hackers (1984) — Contributor — 117 copies
Cyber-killers (1997) — Contributor, some editions — 106 copies
The Mammoth Book of the Best of Best New SF (2008) — Contributor — 104 copies
The Year's Best Science Fiction: Second Annual Collection (1985) — Contributor — 100 copies
Christmas Stars (1992) — Contributor — 97 copies
Darwin's Bastards: Astounding Tales from Tomorrow (2010) — Contributor — 92 copies
The First Omni Book of Science Fiction (1983) — Contributor — 92 copies
Visions of Wonder (1996) — Contributor — 91 copies
The Nebula Awards Eighteen (1983) — Contributor — 89 copies
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #12 (1983) — Contributor — 88 copies
Nebula Award Stories 17 (1983) — Contributor — 87 copies
The Reel Stuff (1998) — Contributor — 84 copies
Northern Stars: The Anthology of Canadian Science Fiction (1994) — Contributor — 83 copies
Shadows 4 (1981) — Contributor — 75 copies
The Second Omni Book of Science Fiction (1983) — Contributor — 74 copies
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories: 8 (1982) — Contributor — 73 copies
After Yesterday's Crash: The Avant-Pop Anthology (1995) — Contributor — 66 copies
Time Travelers (Fiction in the Fourth Dimension) (1997) — Contributor — 65 copies
Timescapes (1997) — Contributor — 57 copies
The Fifth Omni Book of Science Fiction (1987) — Contributor — 55 copies
Tesseracts 3 (2002) — Contributor — 52 copies
The Fourth Omni Book of Science Fiction (1985) — Contributor — 51 copies
Tesseracts 1 (1985) — Contributor — 50 copies
The Sixth Omni Book of Science Fiction (1989) — Contributor — 49 copies
The Third Omni Book of Science Fiction (1985) — Contributor — 49 copies
New Worlds (New Anthology Series , Vol 1) (1997) — Author — 47 copies
A Yuletide Universe: Sixteen Fantastical Tales (2003) — Contributor — 41 copies
Chasing Shadows: Visions of Our Coming Transparent World (2017) — Contributor — 35 copies
The Big Book of Cyberpunk (2023) — Contributor — 29 copies
Universe 11 (1981) — Contributor — 29 copies
The Selected Letters of Philip K. Dick 1974 (1991) — Introduction, some editions — 26 copies
We, Robots (2010) — Contributor — 24 copies
Flying Saucers Are Real (2016) — Introduction — 21 copies
Tesseracts 2 (1987) — Contributor — 19 copies
Wild Palms [1993 TV miniseries] (1993) — Himself — 17 copies
Polder: A Festschrift for John Clute and Judith Clute (2006) — Contributor — 13 copies
Transit Lounge (1998) — Introduction — 10 copies
Bifrost n°96 - la Revue des Mondes Imaginaires (2019) — Contributor — 6 copies
Fortean Times 73 — Contributor — 2 copies
Neuromancer--screenplay — Original book — 1 copy


20th century (303) alternate history (409) American (299) American literature (227) anthology (1,650) artificial intelligence (256) computers (190) cyberpunk (6,648) cyberspace (310) dystopia (447) ebook (654) fantasy (570) fiction (8,622) Gibson (291) goodreads (407) hardcover (308) Kindle (318) literature (272) near future (235) novel (1,295) own (358) owned (329) paperback (388) read (1,222) science fiction (17,153) Science Fiction/Fantasy (387) series (208) sf (3,074) sff (612) short stories (1,456) signed (383) speculative fiction (562) sprawl trilogy (222) steampunk (666) technology (326) thriller (314) to-read (4,711) unread (680) virtual reality (378) William Gibson (499)

Common Knowledge



Gibson's Neuromancer is coming in Folio Society Devotees (May 23)
Agrippa (A Book of the Dead) in Fine Press Forum (May 2023)
William Gibson in Science Fiction Fans (January 2023)


My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:


booklover3258 | 379 other reviews | Jun 4, 2024 |
Awesome. I had a hard time getting into it at first (the first quarter was a little slow), but about half way in remembered why Gibson is such a great cyberpunk author.
ggulick | 46 other reviews | May 29, 2024 |
(Print: January 21, 2020; 978-1101986936; Berkley; 416 pages) Audio: 1/21/2020; 9780525498438; Penguin Random House Audio; duration 10:18:39 (9 parts). (Film: No.)

Verity opens a package, having just taken a job as something like a product analyzer. This particular product seems to be some sort of AI device, with very convincing personality traits. When Gavin, from the company that hired Verity, refuses to provide any information, asking HER to tell THEM exactly what it is and does, the device cuts off all monitoring from the company and enlists Varity in it’s own project, which is far-reaching and dangerous. Enter a world of drones, time travel, alternate realities, and adventure.
This is another title I chose from Goodreads top reads of 2020. I wanted to try genres I typically don’t (like this science fiction novel), just for the adventure. I enjoyed the conversation style between Verity and Eunice (the AI device). I struggled with the sci-fi nature of a tech, rather than character, driven plot.

William Gibson (3/17/1948). According to Wikipedia, “Gibson coined the term 'cyberspace' for 'widespread, interconnected digital technology' in his short story 'Burning Chrome' (1982), and later popularized the concept in his acclaimed debut novel Neuromancer (1984). These early works of Gibson's have been credited with 'renovating' science fiction literature in the 1980s.'''

Lorelei Elizabeth King (10/29/1953). According to Wikipedia, Lorelei “is an American actress, screenwriter and development executive who has been based in the United Kingdom since 1981. She has narrated audiobooks, acted in radio plays for BBC Radio 4 and appeared on television.”
I enjoyed her narration of this book.

GENRE: Fiction, Science Fiction

San Francisco and London

Bots, Droids, Artificial Intelligence, Future, Technology, Nuclear disaster, Politics, Military

“Picking up the headset and switching it on, she hung it from her right ear, settling the earbud. She put the glasses on, pressing their low-profile power-stud. The headset pinged, a cursor appearing. A white arrow, centered in her field of vision. Then moving down, of its own accord, to the empty boxes, the chargers, the black phone.
'Here we go,' said a woman's husky voice in Verity's ear. Glancing to her right, toward what would have been the voice's source had anyone been there, Verity inadvertently gave whoever was controlling the cursor a view of the living room. 'Got a hoarding issue, Gavin?' the voice asked. the cursor having settled on the miniature junkyard of semi-disassembled vintage electronics on Joe-Eddy's workbench.
'I'm not Gavin,' Verity said.
'No shit,' said the voice, neutrally.
'Verity Jane.'
'Ain't the office, is it Verity Jane?'
'Friend's place.'
The cursor traversed the living room, to the closed curtains. 'What's outside?'
‘Valencia Street,' Verity said. 'What should I call you?'
'Hi Eunice.'
'Hi yourself.' The cursor moved to Joe-Eddy's Japanese faux Fender Jazzmaster.'Play?'
'Friend does. You?'
'Good question.'
'You don't know?'
'Thing-shaped hole.'
'Excuse me?'
'I got one, in that department. Want to show me what you look like?'
'Mirror. Or take the glasses off. Point 'em at your face.'
'Will I be able to see you?'
'Why not?'
'No there there.'
'I need to use the bathroom,' Verity said, standing. 'I'll leave the glasses here.'
'You don't mind, maybe open the drapes.'
Verity crossed to the window, hauled both layers of dusty blackout curtain aside.
'You put the glasses down,' the voice said, 'I can look out the window."

3 stars. I know this author is popular, so I'm happy that my rating won't hurt his popularity. I’m sorry to say it did not hold my interest. I grew bored with it and had to keep putting it down, and going back later to re-listen and force myself to visualize the descriptions, of which there were a lot.
… (more)
TraSea | 42 other reviews | Apr 29, 2024 |
The Ulysses for sci-fi fans. A bit too esoteric for me, though I admire the spaghetti-like prose, and the spaghetti-like cover (that should definitely be a word). I enjoyed most of the first part, but every added section left me more and more confused until I eventually lost interest and decided to cook some spaghetti instead.
TheBooksofWrath | 379 other reviews | Apr 18, 2024 |


2020 (1)
hopes (1)
1980s (3)
Books (1)


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Rick Berry Cover artist
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Gary Marsh Cover artist, Cover Imagery
Reinhard Heinz Translator
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Gretchen Achilles Text Designer, Designer
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Don Brautigam Cover artist
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Peter Robert Translator
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